Tuesday, 25 February 2025
Sunday, 23 February 2025
That the learning process is fostered via enjoyable activities is no new news. The more students enjoy an activity, the more they learn. If, on top of that, they are based on beautiful songs, the learning process will improve even without their realizing.
This list of songs includes three data: the title, the singer, and the CEFR Just write a title on the blog search box and you will get to it.
By means of this teaching resource your students will not only develop their listening skills, they will also grasp new words, activate their passive vocabulary in context, and make a choice on the basis of their grammar knowledge in some of the exercises. Moreover, phonetics, sometimes related to semantics, pronunciation, stress, rhythm and intonation, and the English Language system are aspects these songs, as listening exercises, revolve around.
I do hope you find this blog post useful
Maria Isabel Miró Pérez
February 23rd, 2025
Wednesday, 20 March 2024
z NOWRUZ 2024
Tuesday, 12 December 2023
Tuesday, 5 December 2023
Saturday, 19 November 2022
Hello everybody
I would like to remind you of the blog post uploaded focused on Black Friday.
Either if interested to read or working on it with your students, here you are:
As usual, I do hope you find it useful
Maria Isabel Miró Pérez
November 19th, 2022
Thursday, 27 January 2022
Dear all,
This post is to remind you there is a blog label -calendar events- which includes blog posts related to dates, such as Australia's Day, St Valentine's, and more upcoming celebrations.
: https://maribelmiroenglish.blogspot.com/search/label/CALENDAR%20EVENTS
I hope you find them useful.
Maribel Miró
January 27th, 2021
Thursday, 25 November 2021
Hello everybody,
Even if the pandemic is still around, meaning second Christmas pandemic, second Thanksgiving pandemic, and so on in different countries, with people being told to wear masks, to gather outdoors whenever possible, to go for vaccines and booster shots, Black Friday, which to some extent started to be announced last week Monday through Friday, is about to take place in a couple of days.
Here is the link to language activities focused on three coloured weekdays:
I hope you find it useful.
November25th, 2021Tuesday, 22 June 2021
Find the 'Hammam Report' post @https://maribelmiroenglish.blogspot.com/search?q=the+hammam+report
We found Alibey Hammam (1)to be a (1)pretty nice blue building, domed capped and located (2)near the subway area. A small entrance led us (3)into a hall, (4)with a white marble floor and walls (5)around it and a big dome (6)on top (7)of it.
Once inside, the four (8)of us were ushered (9)into a changing room.
Our students felt a bit shy and asked 'do we have (10)to change here?' No doubt: the four (11)of us (12)in the same changing room.
The hammam lady left the door ajar (13)as she stayed staring (14)at us (15)from the entrance. We were then given a linen towel, which we wrapped (16)around ourselves. As soon as we stepped (17)into the warm rooms, we were sharply taken our linen towels (18)off, and our bikini tops as well.
Then, ushered again (19)into different corners (20)of the warm rooms: each one (21)of us was made (22)to sit (23)on a (2)separate small marble bench, (24)near an (3)old marble basin full (25)of water.
We were all then sort (26)of baptized. First, cold water, then hot water poured (27) from our heads. (28)After being soaked (29)through, we were made (30)to lie (31)on (4)warm marble platforms: the massage was (32)about to start.
I almost fell (33)off the marble platform. It was so slippery and the massage so energetic...
The four (34)of us were scrubbed all (35)over (36)with a massage glove.
(37)As our girls said: 'this has been our second time (38)since we were babies'
(39)For me, it was the best massage ever.
Thank you very much, Aysun, (40)for everything.
Izmir (Turkiye)
September 23rd, 2012
I hope you find this post useful.
Maribel Miró
June 22nd, 2021
*Please, remember:
All materials on maribelmiroenglish.blogspot.com.es are the property of Maria Isabel Miró Pérez- the copyright holder- and are protected by international copyright laws. You may print free materials provided on maribelmiroenglish.blogspot.com.es for your own personal, non-commercial use in the classroom or at home provided that you retain all the copyright information or other required logos and /or headings on the materials. You may not reprint, distribute, electronically save, modify, transmit, present before an audience, post to a website, forum, blog, etc. any materials from this blog without prior express written permission from Maria Isabel Miró Pérez.
For further information click
Monday, 21 June 2021
1. Put the adjectives in the correct order:
(1)building: nice/pretty/blue
(2)bench: marble/small/separate
(3)basin: marble/old
(4)platform: old/marble
2. Fill in the gaps with the right word.
3. Underline the sentences in the passive voice and change them into the active voice, if possible.
Find the key @ https://maribelmiroenglish.blogspot.com/search?q=the+hammam+report.+key
We found Alibey Hammam (1).......... be a (1)......................... building, domed capped and located (2).......... the subway area. A small entrance led us (3).......... a hall, (4)..........a white marble floor and walls (5).......... it and a big dome (6).......... top (7).......... it.
Our students felt a bit shy and asked 'do we have (10).......... change here?' No doubt: the four (11).......... us (12).......... the same changing room.
The hammam lady left the door ajar (13).......... she stayed staring (14).......... us (15).......... the entrance. We were then given a linen towel, which we wrapped (16).......... ourselves. As soon as we stepped (17).......... the warm rooms, we were sharply taken our linen towels (18).........., and our bikini tops as well.
Then, ushered again (19).......... different corners (20)..........the warm rooms: each one (21).......... us was made (22).......... sit (23).......... a (2).......................... bench,
(24).......... an (3).......................... basin full (25)..........water.
We were all then sort (26).......... baptized. First, cold water, then hot water poured (27).......... our heads. (28).......... being soaked (29).........., we were made (30).......... lie (31).......... (4)......................... platforms: the massage was (32)........... to start.
I almost fell (33).......... the marble platform. It was so slippery and the massage so energetic...
The four (34).......... us were scrubbed all (35).......... (36).......... a massage glove.
(37).......... our girls said: 'this has been our second time (38).......... we were babies'.
(39)......... me, it was the best massage ever.
Thank you very much, Aysun, (40).......... everything.
Izmir (Turkiye)
September 23rd, 2012
María Isabel Miró Pérez
June 21st, 2021 1
*Please, remember:
All materials on maribelmiroenglish.blogspot.com.es are the property of Maria Isabel Miró Pérez- the copyright holder- and are protected by international copyright laws. You may print free materials provided on maribelmiroenglish.blogspot.com.es for your own personal, non-commercial use in the classroom or at home provided that you retain all the copyright information or other required logos and /or headings on the materials. You may not reprint, distribute, electronically save, modify, transmit, present before an audience, post to a website, forum, blog, etc. any materials from this blog without prior express written permission from Maria Isabel Miró Pérez.
For further information click