Saturday 27 February 2016


Hi again, Here you have another song based listening exercise: "Wonderful Life". Black, the Liverpool singer who died last January, had a global hit at the end of the 80's with this song. In this exercise the students are given a pair of options. They will have to choose the right one while listening to the song. However, not only phonetics will be of the essence, but semantics will also play a key role in this activity. The students’ passive vocabulary will be activated while new vocabulary will be acquired. I hope your students enjoy this activity and you keep finding these materials inspiring and interesting. *ENGLISH in, by Maria Isabel Miró Pérez, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. If you wish to make comments about this site, please email me at *Please, remember: All materials on are the property of Maria Isabel Miró Pérez- the copyright holder- and are protected by international copyright laws. You may print free materials provided on for your own personal, non-commercial use in the classroom or at home, provided that you retain all copyright information or other required logos and /or headings on the materials. You may not reprint, distribute, electronically save, modify, transmit, present before an audience, post to a website, forum, blog etc. any materials from this blog without prior express written permission from Maria Isabel Miró Pérez. For further information click