Hello everybody,
These next weeks I will be uploading info
on different language links, websites, apps and programmes for learning English.
Here you can find a few learning tools I have selected from
the many available online.
If you would like to improve your
knowledge of English language system and vocabulary, then Duolingo is the one for you. If your goal is to improve and
practise your skills, then Listen to
News/EnglishClub is the tool you need.
As usual, I hope you find this info useful.
May 25th, 2016
Duolingo is
one of the most popular and well-known tools for learning English.
In fact, it is
a great example of a straightforward
language app/programme
and really easy to use. All you have to do is to set up a profile, then set
your weekly goals and off you go!
system and vocabulary can be easily practised and you reach higher levels of
practice as your knowledge and skills increase.
No doubt
Duolingo is hugely popular, with over 25 million users.
Start as a
beginner and, as you go through the exercises, you will be provided with post-beginner
and intermediate level ones.
Listen to News/Englishclub is mainly for practising
your skills.
Practice your listening, reading, writing, and even speaking, by means
of an item of news you can choose among over 30 current short audio texts. Each Wednesday EnglishClub publishes
a short audio
news report. You are provided with instructions and steps to follow, and you can
always decide which way to start:
a) Read first, listen to it in the second place, and fill in the gaps.
Then, check by listening to it again.
b) Listen first, then read afterwards, or even read as you listen and
try to fill in the gaps.
There are some comprehension questions whose answers you can self correct
-key included- and also an essay and a dialogue with another student are
suggested as follow-up activities.
CEFR: A2, B1, B2
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