Saturday, 13 January 2018



    By means of this song Camila Cabello pays tribute to the city of Havana, Cuba, where she was born.
    "Havana" is about love, a much common theme in songs, but the story in this song is not only about falling in love with someone from Havana, it is mainly about being in love with a place.
     A song-based listening activity, "Havana" is a resource to practise listening, stress, rhythm and intonation, apart from some grammar aspects and vocabulary. 
    The learners should read the lyrics a couple of times before starting the activity. Then, they should listen or watch the video and follow the instructions on each slide: either to fill in the blanks or choose the right word. However, on slide 5 they will have to rearrange 3 lines in the stanza.
 Phonetics will play a key role in this activity and  the students’ passive  vocabulary will be activated while new vocabulary will be acquired.
 "Havana" Listening Exercise is suitable for A2 (post-beginners), B1 & B2         (pre-intermediate & intermediate) students. 

 I hope you enjoy this activity and  keep finding these materials  inspiring and 

  January 13th, 2018

   Maribel Miró Pérez 

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