Wednesday, 22 May 2019


This month’s blog post, further on the borrowings 
-words that coming from other languages have shaped the English Language-, focuses on some Russian words   which the English Language has assimilated.
It is a fact that the English language has gone outside its own linguistic resources and has borrowed words from  other languages, which have all shaped the English Language
The English Language vocabulary includes borrowings from many other languages, such as the *Spanish Language, the **Northern European Languages, and even the language of some geographically distant countries, such as ***Iran.
Russian, the language of the Tsars’ Empire, the former Soviet Union, and present day Russia, is one of them.

 Russian, the largest native language in Europe is also the second most widespread language on the Internet, after English.

This presentation includes vocabulary exercises suitable for A1&A2 learners of English (slides 1 & 2), and exercises for B1/B2 students (slides 3 & 4); that is to say, for beginners, post-beginners, and intermediate students of English.

Thank you so much for your feedback. It is always appreciated.

I do hope you find this presentation useful. 

Maribel Miró
May 22nd, 2019

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